
ask 1 Ask, question, interrogate, query, inquire, catechize, quiz, examine mean to address a person in an attempt to elicit information.
Ask is the general or colorless term for putting a question

ask and you will find


ask the price of an article


ask your brother if he will join us


none of them understood how to ask the question which they were trying to answer— Ellis

Question usually suggests asking one question after another as in teaching or in searching out the ramifications of a topic

question a suspect at length


Socrates preferred questioning his disciples to lecturing them

Interrogate stresses formal or systematic questioning

they examined many witnesses . . . whom they interrogated, not only upon the express words of the statute, but upon all . . . collateral or presumptive circumstances— Burnet

Query usually strongly implies a desire for authoritative information or the resolution of a doubt

should not one query whether he had not those proofs in his hands antecedent to the cabinet?— Walpole

It is specifically so used by proofreaders

do not query a misspelled word in ordinary text . . . . Never query style to the author— Manual of Style

Inquire has for its fundamental implication a search for the facts or the truth; only when it distinctly implies in addition to such an intention the asking of a question or questions does it come into comparison with the other words of this group

inquire the best route to New York City


inquire when the public library would be open


it was soon evident that this was the ruddleman who had inquired for her— Hardy

Catechize adds to interrogate the suggestion of an aim to elicit a certain kind of answer. Often the answers expected are definite statements of doctrine already phrased in a catechism (a book supplying questions and answers concerning the doctrines of a church)

catechize a candidate for the ministry

In extended use, however, there is often the implication of a desire to lead the person who is questioned into making answers that are self- condemnatory or that will reveal his weaknesses

it was their policy to catechize every candidate for a doctor’s degree at the beginning of his advanced studies

Quiz implies an informal but often thoroughgoing interrogation (as of a class) to determine how well a series of lectures has been understood or (as of a murder suspect) to determine the facts of the case.
Examine implies interrogation or catechizing for the purpose of drawing answers that indicate how much or how little a person knows (as from students when their fitness for promotion is to be decided, from candidates for a position when it is necessary to determine the extent of their preparation and the adequacy of their training, from those giving testimony in a trial, or when the lawyers on each side try to elicit information of value to their clients)

the students in this course are examined at the end of the year


no candidate for a civil service position is considered until he has been examined with all other candidates and given a satisfactory rating


it took the whole day to examine and to cross-examine the principal witness

Contrasted words: reply, *answer, respond, rejoin, retort
2 Ask, request, solicit mean to seek to obtain by making one’s wants or desires known.
Ask implies expectation of a response, often an affirmative response

I am going to ask a favor of you


he asked the close attention of all his audience


ask the citizens for their full cooperation

Request carries a suggestion of greater courtesy and formality in the manner of asking and is preferable to ask when one feels that what one wants may not be granted, whether for lack of power or means or from lack of interest on the other side or when one wishes to be exceedingly polite or ingratiating

request a loan


request the presence of a person at a reception


requesting an opportunity to present their opinions

Solicit (compare BEG) seldom implies earnest entreaty or urging; its most common suggestion is that of calling attention to one’s wants and desires in the hope of having them satisfied;

a merchant solicits trade by means of letters, or handbills, or advertisements in journals


a magazine solicits subscriptions when it sends an agent to interview possible subscribe

Analogous words: appeal, petition, plead, pray, sue (see under PRAYER): *address, accost
Contrasted words: *get, obtain, acquire, secure: *decline, refuse, spurn: *deny, gainsay

New Dictionary of Synonyms. 2014.

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